Web Enabling ERP Web Enabling ERP Web Enabling ERP Web Enabling ERP Web Enabling ERP Web Enabling ERP
* For confidentiality reasons, names and other sensitive info have been masked in screenshots

Business Solutions Manufacturing DocuTrak

Large companies typically run their businesses with ERP systems. ERP systems developed and installed before the internet boom of 2000 do not have in-built features that will enable users to access the data and reports from the web. They also do not allow data entry through the web.Even several of the modern ERP systems are not net enabled.

eBiz Global offers web-enabling solutions to such companies. The basic architecture of the system is shown in the diagram. eBiz Global's solutions are not restricted to any ERP or database. Our systems are designed to interface with any database, including such legacy databases as Foxpro and Dbase.
The Benefits
Tremendous cost savings - because you don't have to purchase new web modules from ERP vendor,and pay by the no. of users, year after year. We provide solutions that completely bypass the ERP's application server, thereby not affecting your licensing cost or existing applications
Reduces workload on your admin staff, because they don't have to retype customer orders, or vendor delivery notes.
Reduces customer interaction costs, because they can lookup their order & shipment status, accounts outstanding, etc. on the web, instead of calling on the phone or sending emails to check.
Your vendors get their order details instantly in their login, and they could input the shipment details and delivery note details there, which could be downloaded into your ERP.
Your travelling staff need not call your office to check on various reports. They could access data on your ERP directly through eBiz's web interface.
Your new branch that is located elsewhere in the country or the world, could talk to your ERP for 2 way data interchange through our web interface
Your ERP's geographical restriction of usage is instantly removed and made global - to suit today's business environment.
Case Study
The Customer
A UK manufacturer of heat transfers for licensed players' names, numbers and badges with global 'Distribution' to brands, clubs, leagues and nations for application to professional team sport wear.
The Challenge
They have a Legacy ERP with Foxpro database. The ERP is completely intranet based, and there is no provision to web enable it. They receive about 15,000 orders a year from about 1500 customers. Due to this large volume, their customer service is overloaded with calls and emails from customers on status of orders, shipments, etc. The customer wanted to have a system that will let their customers view their orders, invoices, shipments, delivery notes, outstanding credit balance, etc. on the web. The system should involve no manual intervention, and all requisite data transfers and synchronisation from their ERP to web should happen automatically. About 12 types of data are to be synchronised without upload overlap.

The Solution

eBiz Global created a system and installed in the customer's Server that periodically pulled data out of their live ERP database and pushed to the web. The upload schedules were planned in such a way that it does not overload the ERP database server, nor overlap between the schedules. The system was successfully implemented, and now each of their customers can login and check their order and other document status.

Not only did we give provision to view documents, but also went one step ahead and showed each document's relationship with the other. For eg., all delivery notes of one order and all invoices belonging to one order were shown as clickable links inside the order itself. This feature has proved to be a great time saver for the customer and their buyers in turn.