Web Enabling ERP Vendor Management Systems Vendor Management Systems Vendor Management Systems Vendor Management Systems Vendor Management Systems
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Business Solutions Manufacturing Vendor Management Systems

Most manufacturing organisations are dependent on multiple vendors for supply of parts and sub-assemblies that make up the finished end product. With more and more manufacturers adopting the Just-in-Time and other lean manufacturing concepts, effective vendor management assumes paramount importance - if the firm wants to run a green, lean and efficient operation.

eBiz Global Corp has Vendor Management solutions that allow the manufacturer, it's marketing arm and all its vendors to login and conduct business smoothly on the web.
The Benefits
Built-in accountability and transparency

Lesser operational costs by way of reduced faxes, phone calls, couriers and personal visits

Better material and production planning can be done by vendors and the manufacturer - leading to reduced inventories

Since information like orders, drawings, packing lists, production tracking, invoices, etc. are available in real time – production life cycle time can be drastically reduced

Excessive or wrong ordering of the same item can be avoided due to reports that clearly show quantities in production at Vendor location, quantities in transit or outstanding
Case Study
The Customer
One of the largest manufacturers of lathes, CNC machines and other industrial machinery, having it's head office and manufacturing facility in Europe. The firm has a second manufacturing facllity in India to cater to Asian as well as European markets.
The Challenge
To cut costs, the customer developed an extensive network of vendors in India and China. Several parts and sub-assemblies are made by these Vendors, based on drawings provided by this manufacturer. All transactions including Purchase orders (PO), invoices, drawings, shipment details, documentation, etc. were conducted through couriers, fax, phone calls and email. There was effectively no means of threading together all these various forms of communication to any one order. It was all a mishmash leading to confusions, wrong ordering, excess inventories, etc.

The Solution

eBiz Global created a web-based Vendor management system for the client that had 4 logins - 1. European faclility, 2. Indian facility, 3. Chinese/European Vendors and 4. Indian Vendors.

POs were created in the system or uploaded from ERP. Vendors could instantly view them, start production and input an estimated delivery date. They could also go to Reports/Search section and view all pending deliverables - part/sub assembly wise. Vendors could upload their production status, shipment details/packing lists, invoices, etc.

All part drawings and their revisions were uploaded on the system for reference. Even inspection certification was enabled and done by 3rd parties on the same Vendor Mgmt System. This system effectively reduced costs for the manufacturer and vendor by eliminating waste as detailed under benefits.